And I thought mowing was bad

For some reason, everyone loves fall. Football. Sweater weather. Pumpkin Spice this. Pumpkin Spice that. I say it’s terrible. I thought mowing was bad. That is nothing compared to my current plague. “Let’s get a house with a big yard,” she said. “For the kids,” she said. “They’ll have some place to play.” I fell for it.

For 3 hours yesterday, I did this.

And this.

And wound up with this.


And this.


“We’re going to need a bigger truck.” – Leaf-sucker driver

And my trees still look like this.


18 large, mature trees in my yard dumping metric tons of leaves to cover my lawn. It is such a daunting task, Sisyphus laughs at me.

Think about that while you’re sipping on you Pumpkin Spice Lattes, calling my street bleak, tree commission. Then come rake my yard when Phase 2 of leaves falling begins. I’m told it has already started.