Where did I put that?

I had another odd dream last night. This seems to be my motif lately. I have a weird dream. I post it here. We all share a good laugh.

I knew it was a good one, so I wrote it down as soon as I woke up. I didn’t want to forget any important details. It’s the least I could do. My problem is that I can’t find the paper upon which I wrote every detail of said dream.

I wrote it down as soon as I awoke. But, you see, I wasn’t actually awake. I was dreaming about sleeping apparently. And in my dream slumber, I was having a lucid dream. The details of this dream are the ones I had hoped to share. Another motif. A dream meme, if you will.

I know there was a bar. The kind where you drink. Not like a pole. Or a bunch of lawyers. And lots of people. We were doing something. Probably having some drinks. And then something happened. Most likely followed by something else. Then I woke up and wrote it all down and put it on my nightstand. And then woke up for real.

So here we are at an impasse. A dead end. I am at a loss of my dream…within a dream. (Mawwiage…) I really don’t know what to say. I have no excuse for myself.

What say we all pretend I gave you the details and we all share a good laugh. Deal? Cool.

Hahahaha! I know, right?